Jalen Jazz Band
"Making your band sound even better"

Stream the audio and
view full scores of our New Jazz Charts

We have a great lineup of new Marching, Pep Band and Jazz arrangements for 2024! Click the link above to stream the audio and view full scores of our new charts.

We’ve got music for grade 1 to grade 4 bands in too many styles to mention along with quality arrangements of jazz standards. All of our Jazz Ensemble arrangements include written optional parts for Flute, Clarinet and French Horn to help you with non-traditional jazz instruments you may want to include. Here, on our website, you’ll always find full length audio recording of our charts and you can preview sample scores to make sure they are just right for your ensemble.

With 110 of our jazz titles selected as J.W. Pepper Editor’s Choice over the past 11 years, we know you will find some great charts. If you missed any of our past promo CDs, you can download full CDs and catalogs as well.

We know that some Jazz Band directors are struggling to rehearse due to the Covid 19 Pandemic.  If you are missing some of your rhythm section but want to keep rehearsing, we have got a great tool that should help.  Check out the Jalen Publishing youtube  page for audio rhythm section only recordings of some of our latest tunes, and feel free to use them in your classroom.  If you are stuck with a lonely guitarist but missing piano, bass and drums, you can still get the kids swinging!


Continue on to Jalen's Jazz Band tunes list and search page.

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